
Video Advertising

Cross-Device Video Advertising Units for Connected TV / Over-the-top, Mobile Applications and Websites .

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Display Ads

Display ads are one of the most common forms of advertising and we are experienced deploying banner campaigns on desktop and mobile sites.

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Instream Ads

Instream video ads appear before (pre-roll), during (mid-roll) and after (post-roll) content plays.

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We deliver a full instream ad solution according to publishers’ needs, including video content. Many people spend a large part of their day surfing websites and watching videos and instream format is a powerful revenue generator. Ads on websites can be interactive and link customers directly to a product for purchase. Oppa also provides outstream and display ad units.

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Connected TV

CTV/OTT in-stream ads follow the traditional TV experience with non-skippable ad breaks alongside programming. We deliver full ad solutions across Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Google Chromecast and Roku.

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Mobile Apps

Mobile applications have high audiences and are ideal for reaching large numbers of users. We support video and banner ads on iOS and Android with various integration options.

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Instream Ads

An instream ad unit is a video ad inserted in video content as an ad break. An in stream ad can be delivered Pre, Mid or Post-Roll (before, during or after the content). Oppa has built a full video in stream system including providing video content to websites that do not have their own videos. This enables publishers to benefit from the high value of in-stream ads without the expenses of producing their own content or operating a video player.

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Outstream Ads

An outstream ad unit (often referred to as in-article or slider) autoplays in a custom size video player whenever a user navigates to it within a website. It commonly appears while a user is scrolling down and reading an article or it can slide in from the bottom corners of the website. Outstream ad units are proven to be more effective than traditional instream ads in some instances.

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Display Ads

Banner ads are one of the most common forms of advertising utilized by desktop and mobile sites. Static banner ads are easy to integrate and enable publishers to tap into stable revenue streams where video ads are not appropriate.

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In-Banner Ads

In-banner ads are banner ads with video embedded. Adding video to static banners allow you to create a rich user experience and leverage high CPMs of video. In-banner ads are less intrusive and don’t interrupt the browsing experience.

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